“The goal of formation is the full personal development of each sister as a person, a Christian and a religious in accord with the mission of the Congregation for the service in the Church. Consistent cooperation with the grace of God should lead to intimate union with Merciful Jesus.” 

(excerpt from Constitution of the Congregation of the Sisters of Merciful Jesus, pt.111)

Step 1. Aspirancy and Postulancy

It is a time of discernment. The candidate will discern whether or not this is the Congregation and the charism she is call to. Postulant gradually makes the transition from lay life into religious life. The period of discernment goes from 6 months to one year.

Step 2. Novitiate

The heart of the novitiate beats in the chapel. Prayer is the time of learning Jesus as the Master. Gazing at Him, listening to His words, and to the beating of His heart. Novitiate is the time to build the community and entering more deeply into the charism of the Congregation. This formation takes two years and concludes with the profession of first vows (temporary vows).

Step 3. Temporary Profession

The Profession of vows is a conscious, voluntary act by which a sister chooses a way of life devoted to the glory and service of God. The sister commits herself by means of public vows of Evangelical Counsels of chastity, poverty and obedience. Each year, sister renews her vows for five years.

Step 4. Perpetual Profession

The Perpetual Profession is the fullest expression of the total gift of self and of total commitment of oneself to the service to the Church in the Congregation Sisters of the Merciful Jesus. Religious formation does not end on the day of Perpetual Vows. The sister has the duty to diligently continue her spiritual, doctrinal and practical formation.